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A little searching through my book marked web sites has resulted in
Directions for several different woven fish, as well as a number
other folded paper items, including a dollar bill wreath (similar
tea bag folding in that multiple small pieces of paper are folded,
held together to form a particular pattern), and Moravian stars
known as Advent/ Swedish /German stars), may be found on the
web site:
http://members.aol.com/cinkmirror/instruction/pow1.htm This is a web site specifically devoted to tea bag folding :
http://www.ozemail.com.au/~allcraft/teabag.htm The Fascinating folds web site has information and products for
number of different paper activities, including tea bag folding
and paper supplies), paste paper making, collage, origami, paper
making, and paper cutting. Search through the web site under the
"paper arts"
section to reach the tea bag folding area:
http://www.fascinating-folds.com/welcome.htm My favorite paper cutting web site shows some extremely beautiful
examples of paper cutting (many in book form):
http://idt.net/~beart/bookp.html#book The Fabric origami web site, which follows, has some very wonderful
and card designs. These objects could be as easily folded from
http://www.owt.com/gdscott/ This is a great template site, with template diagrams for a multitude
of different objects, envelopes, and cards:
http://www.bydonovan.com/templates.html The following origamic architecture web site offers fascinating
architectural forms, all done with scissors and paper!
http://members.aol.com/kselena/OA/oamainpg.html Some wildly wonderful and advanced paper folding examples and
information can be found on the following web site devoted to
paper folding:
American Museum of Papermaking http://www.ipst.edu/amp/ Dieu Donné Inc.
is a not-for-profit hand papermaking studio located
in the Soho art district of New York City. Dieu Donné celebrated its 20th
anniversary in 1996. Founded in 1976 by Susan Gosin and Bruce Wineberg,
the mission of Dieu Donné is the advancement of the art of
handpapermaking by reinventing and adapting the age-old techniques of
handpapermaking for contemporary artmaking. Hand Papermaking Magazine
http://www.bookarts.com/handpapermaking This site includes an indispensable series of articles for beginners. The
magazine is a must-read for papermakers.
Peter Verheyen's Book Arts Web Site
http://www.dreamscape.com/pdverhey/ He is the list manager for the book arts list and has links to the book
arts archives, among others at this site. Paper List
Fine art printmaking, papermaking, & bookarts
List name: PAPER-L, Host name: IRISHVMA.BITNET. To
subscribe, send mail to LISTSERV@IRISHVMA.BITNET with the command (paste
it!): SUBSCRIBE PAPER-L. For more information, you can contact the list
owner at PAPER-L-request@IRISHVMA.BITNET Waterleaf Mill and Bindery a teaching
facility for bookbinding, papermaking, marbling and the production arm of
Pequeno Press
http://www.primenet.com/~patbooks Teaching Hand Papermaking
A wonderful, thorough, inspiring book. Introduction to Paper Casting
http://home.earthlink.net/~macarney/paper.htm The Prairie Paper Project
http://www.cs.uiowa.edu/~jones/prairiepaper.html by Douglas W. Jones, The Center for the Book at The University of
An introduction to papermaking using straw. "To
further the connection to the vanishing natural environment of the
Midwest, I used straw from big bluestem grass, one of the grasses that
once towered over Iowa's tallgrass prairies."
(I had problems connecting direct, the
page is there, do the connection in parts-Akua> Papermaking at the Minneapolis College of Art
and Design
http://www.mcad.edu/classrooms/papermaking/paper.html great course description, blibliography and links. The Paper Shed, papermaking supplies and
exotic papers
They're in Britain- so my correspondents in th U.K.
have another great place from which to order, and visit. Moulds in those
A3, A4, A5 sizes, papermaking kits, pulps and linters, dye pots, paper
string .... a lovely, well-presented site. Women's Studio Workshop
Women's Studio Workshop is a not for profit artists'
space founded in 1974 to provide a supportive working environment for all
persons interested in the arts. WSW staff artists coordinates grants,
fellowships, internships, and exhibition opportunities for visual artists
in state of the art printmaking, papermaking and photography
studios. Seastone Papers, a studio for hand
papermaking, surface designing, and book arts,
offers winter, early spring and summer series of
papermaking classes on Martha's Vineyard. Classes included Forming Paper:
Size, Shape, Lamination, Techniques of Fiber Collage and Multiple Dips,
Decorative Interiors: Inclusions and Coagulation, Surface Design: Focus on
Pulp Painting, Shaping Flax Three-Dimensionally, Working with Plant
Fibers, Pulp Book Art.... a well organized and presented site. Stefan's Florilegium: producing pulp, making
handmade paper
Mark S. Harris'papermaking-messages- 6/7/94- a
collection of various messages collected from various computer networks. Paper Casting Using Rycraft Ceramic Stamps
http://www.rycraft.com/pc/pc1.htm Paper Crafts Bulletin Board
Marbling for Paper and Fabric, Information and
http://members.aol.com/marbling/marbling The Best Little Craft Mall
sponsors a discussion area, links to extensive book
resource Aunt Annie's Craft Page
Recycling and Crafts
http://auntannie.com ArtsWire
http://www.artswire.org Beverly's Craft and Fabric Message Board... with
several paper threads
http://www.beverlys.com//wwwboard.htm Craft Equipment Exchange Newsletter
Creators on the Net Bini Atkinson
Jane Ingram Allen, Sculptor/Installation artist
http://www.borg.com/~allents works in/with paper, offers workshops, and has great articles to read at
her site. Francesco Baietti's Maché.
http://www.well.it/baietti/ Catherine Campaigne
Valentine Bowl, 1994 Papier Maché/Acrylic 5 3/4" x 2 3/8"
http://www.lanminds.com/proarts96/artists/043.html Paper Pottery from Gentle Art
http://www.maui.ne/~southsky/gentle/paperpot.html Paper Pursuits, a gallery of handmade Judaica arts and crafts by Lois
Mittleman, fiber artist
Studio Beth - Paper Projects