
Image credit
- Twinrocker Papermaking Supplies
Twinrocker Handmade Paper
(Howard & Kathleen Clark)
RFD2 POB 413
Brookston, IN 47923
(800) 757-TWIN
800.757 8946
Bark fibers for hand beating. Also linters and
half stuff for blenders. Books.
Pioneers in papermaking
- Carriage House
(Elaine and Donna Koretsky)
79 Guernsey Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222
(800) 669-8781
Linters and half stuff. Best source for fibers because shipping
ins included in price. Pigments, sizing, additives, books.
A unique book selection.
- Lee Scott MacDonald,
P.O. Box 264
Charleston, MA 02129
(617) 242-2505
(888) 627-2737
Screen Making Supplies. Everything above but more expensive. Some very
unusual glitters offered. Papermaking and book arts supplies and equipment for
artists, designers, and craftsmen. They also offer a number of
insturtional fliers and their catalogues alone opened realms of
possibility and improved endeavor.
- The Paper Web- Archival Papers for Artists
- Castle Paper and Press
- Paper Trails Handmade Paper
- Bighorn Art Suppliers
- Dieu Donné Papermill, Inc.
433 Broome Street
New York, NY 10013
Web Resources