Image credit
Materials and Supplies
.A translucent area due to a
thinner luger of pulp because an area of the mold is raised
Sew design onto mold with a thin fine thread
Short to medium length fiber.
Image will be mirror image
Experimental watermarks
labels stuck onto mold.
since water cannot flow through they block
the pulp will not settle there
The thickness of a sheet of paper, or the overall density of its
fibers, primarily determines how opaque the paper will appear when held up
to light. A watermark is a design made visible in the sheet of paper
because the mesh of fibers is made thinner and less opaque in the image
area, allowing more light to shine through.
Western-style papermakers began using thin, bent wire to form
watermarks in the thirteenth century. They continue to do so today. Most
often the trademark of a particular mill, these linear designs are made by
attaching the wire to the surface of the mould. While the concept is
simple, this method is often time consuming and may require a skillful
hand, depending on the intricacy of the design. During sheet formation,
the layer of pulp deposited on the mould is thinner where the wire design
lies, and is thus less opaque in the final sheet. The image is impressed
farther into the sheet during couching.
By the mid-nineteenth century, papermakers were no longer limited to
the linear watermark designs created with traditional bent wire. A new
technique for creating shadowmarks or chiaroscuro (light and shade)
watermarks allowed papermakers and the artists who
worked with them to create more subtle images with varying opacity.
Gradations of tone are realized because of small differences in the
density or thickness of the paper pulp from one image area to another. As
with watermarks made using wire, these images are
seen best when backlit. This type of watermark was commonly used for
currency, since the effect is hard to reproduce.
Chiaroscuro watermarks start with a sculpted design. A relief
sculpture, generally made of wax, is the model for a die and matrix. These
give shape to a fine wire mesh that is attached to the screen of a
papermaking mould. This shaped area of the screen collects varying amounts
of pulp as the fiber settles when a sheet is pulled. (See the Summer 1994
issue of Hand Papermaking for a
description and photos of the famous chiaroscuro watermarks created at the
Magnani mill in Italy.)
While bibliographers use watermarks to trace the history of paper (see
the article by Brett Charbeneau in Hand Papermaking's Winter 1993 issue),
papermakers enjoy the beauty and distinction a watermark adds to their
sheet. Modern papermakers continue to
employ the traditional methods outlined above while experimenting with
newer techniques, such as photo-etched magnesium watermarks. The Summer
1996 issue of Hand Papermaking features an article and sample from Katie
Macgregor and Bernie Vinzani, who use computer-generated images and
sign-making equipment to create intricate watermarks. Whatever the
traditional or modern, the goal is the same: to create an attractive
design within the sheet using subtle variations in paper thickness.