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Western Sheet Forming Techniques
Equipment Required
- Mould and deckle
- vat (concrete mixing container)
- a press (2 boards held together with C-clamps can work)
- sponge
- felts or couching cloths ( Remember that the texture of the felts
will be transferred to the paper)
- Put about 4 inches of warm water into your vat.
- Add about 3 cups of
pulp and mix well.
- Hold the deckle onto the mould and lower into the vat
vertically, as you reach the bottom of the vat, move the mould and deckle
to a horizontal position and slowly raise through the water. As you
leave the surface of the vat, gently shake the mould and deckle from side to side and back and forth. When most of
the water has drained through tilt to one comer to drain some more then
remove the deckle.
- Couch- Invert the mould onto a very wet felt.
- Rock back and forth and rock the mould off the
felt leaving the sheet of paper on the felt. Put another wet felt on top
of the paper and repeat the process. Ten to twelve sheets can be
made at one time by placing a felt between each sheet. The sponge is then
and the paper is pressed between two boards for an hour or
Once pressed the paper can be hung to dry on the felts. When it is dry the
paper will peel easily from the felt but should be pressed lightly between
dry boards or under books.Different shapes can be made by using different
deckles. Some mould
and deckle sets come with an envelope deckle which has the corners
blocked. An embroidery hoop can be used as a deckle to make circular
sheets of paper.
Western Sheetforming Techniques