The Aquatint using Screen Filler

This process enables you to create a wide range of tonal areas on your copper plate. Depending on the way you apply the aquatint, they may be flat tone, or graduated tone. Stencils can be used to define shapes or mask out areas of the plate. 
Aquatints can be used as a sole means of creating an intaglio print, but the are most often combined with line etchings and softgrounds to add value and richness to an image. If your plate has already been etched, it will still need to be de-oxidized (Step 1 below). 

Materials used:

  • Airbrush (Badger model recommended) 
  • Compressor 
  • Hunt Speedball Water Soluble Screen Filler 4570 
  • 2 copper plates (1 will be a small test plate) 
  • materials for stencils (paper, X-acto knife, small coins or weights) 

The Screen Filler may be diluted with water. The greater the dilution, the finer the aquatint. The force of the compressor (PSI) may also cause grain of the aquatint to vary. A dilution to start with is 70% Screen Filler to 30% Water. 


  • Paasche Airbrush Model H (for hobbyist)
  • works for high viscosity liquids
  • be sure to use siphon fed
  • rinse in water
  • rinse and let stay in ammonia water solution 
  • (not much ammonia, cannot even smell it)


  1. Remove all grease and oxidation from the plates (Dawn; Salt & Vinegar), and rinse with water. Dry the plates immediately, and cover their backs with contact paper to protect from the ferric chloride etch. 

  2. If there is any area you wish to preserve as bright white (or paper color) this is the time to stop it out with screen filler (or Future) on your plate. 

  3. Using the airbrush, apply the Hunt Speedball Screen Filler (appropriately diluted) to your image on the plate, and in equal amounts to a test plate. Remember that the screen filler is going to prevent the plate from etching: it is the minute areas of open plate between the droplets of screen filler that will etch and produce your tonalites. Therefore: more screen filler produces a lighter value than less screen filler. Use your Radio Shack magnifier to check for coverage, and aim for 50% coverage of the plate - in other words the areas between the drops of screen filler should be about the same size as the drops themselves. 

Comparison between rosin and Non-Toxic Aquatint

Speedball Screen filler 

  • some of dot etches
  • etches more on edge of dot 
  • Allows for a variety of tones in a single etch


  • whole dot not penetrated

Project: Basic Screen filler aquatint 
Prepare Plate 

  • Apply aquatint: 
  • Prop plate against wall 
  • Apply Diluted Speedball Screen Filler with airbrush 
     (33%-50%) We used 33% water 


  • Dilution of screen filler (viscosity)
    (the more water the more the Screen filler breaks down 
  • Air pressure  - 40-60 psi
    (the higher the pressure the finer the spray) 
  • Distance between airbrush and plate
  • Type (model of aribrush0 and nozzle used
  • Spray duration

Apply backing and suspension tape 

Etch in Ferric Chloride 

Rinse with water 

(copper oxidizes - in the ferric chloride and needs to be cleaned 

  • Rinse with cool water (warm dissolves the Screen filler) 
  • Rinse in salt/ vinegar solution or diluted soy sauce 
    3 T salt to 1 cup water 
  • Blot dry and then with hair dryer 


  • Stencils may be used to block out areas you wish to preserve, whether they are sprayed or open. However, if you wish to keep some areas white you will need to cover those areas completely with screen filler before etching the plate. Try using a litho crayon if you want a softer effect or a crayon-like white line. 
  • Screen Filler dries quickly and will clog the airbrush. If you are not actively spraying, the airbrush should be submerged in an ammonia/water solution. 
    After you have finished, it needs to be cleaned out thoroughly and carefully. 
    If this is not done it causes problems for everyone in the studio who wants to create an aquatint. 
  • For variable etch Aquatint: 
    • Begin with basic aquatint
    • Apply stop out (either Future Floor Wax or Screen Filler) Two layersof Future is necessary.
    •  two thin layers of Screen Filler is better than 1 thick
    • Dry
    • Re-etch
    • Rinse with cool or cold water (Warm dissolves Screen Filler)
    • Rinse in salt/vinegar solution to remove the oxidation
    • Blot on clean newsprint
    • Dry
    • .....  Repeat as desired  .....
    • Printing:
    • Need to be able to move the ink around a little, donít wipe too dry
  • Etch the test plate, stopping out at stepped time intervals. The shorter the etch, the lighter the value of the final tone. The longer the etch, the darker the value.** The strength of the etchant will vary, so until you are experienced enough to judge the appearance of the printed plate by examining the depth of the bite under a magnifying glass, this is an important step. Use screen filler applied with a brush to stop out the action of the etch as follows: 
    1. remove plate from ferric chloride 
    2. rinse THOROUGHLY with water 
    3. Immerse in deoxidizing solution (salt & vinegar) for several minutes 
    4. rinse off salt and vinegar with water 
    5. dry plate wioth hair dryer 
    6. apply screen filler with a brush to stop action of ferric chloride on specific 
      areas of your image 
    7. dry plate (hair dreyer) and re-etch. Repeat entire process (steps i - vii) as 
      many times as is necessary.
  • Remove the screen filler from the test plate with an ammonia & water solution and proof it. Label the proof according to the total time each area has been in the etchant. Proceed to etch the image on your other plate according to the times in the ferric chloride as necessary for each appropriate value. Take the plate out of the ferric chloride and stop out areas as they have been etched for the right amount of time. (You'll need to rinse off the plate, dry it, apply screen filler with a brush and let that dry too before etching each step further). 

**Once you are skilled with the airbrush you may be able to create an image which only requires a single time in the etchant by varying value with the flow of screen filler from the airbrush onto the plate. Obviously, it is helpful to know how to use an airbrush to use this technique. This does take practice. Use water soluble ink and create images in your sketchbook for practice before you start on a plate

Special Effects: 

 If you have a taste for the unexpected:

  • Dissolve some of the sprayed screen filler with water when wet, or a water/ammonia solution when dry. 
  • Use the litho crayon for stopping out over the sprayed screen filler. It gives the plate a nice tooth to draw on. 
  • Draw on a copper plate with a wax crayon. Coat it with future. When the future is dry, run the plate under hot water and rub at the crayon until it lifts the future up. Then spray with screen filler for a "lift ground" effect (strong black crayon-like marks). 
  • Experiment with other techniques and materials in combination with this process and share the results with the class. 
  • See your textbook for other possible uses of this method.

Water Resist Technique 

  • Apply water to surface of prepared plate.
  • Water evaporates 
  • the outer edges of water droplets will have some dots
  • virtually none in the middle
  • Water acts as a stop out
  • Airbrush on Screen filler with plate flat

Project: Degradation Aquatint 

  • dissolve screen filler aquatint 
  • with ammonia water solution if dry 
  • with water if wet 
  • Paint on wet or dry plate with screen filler, dry all or part way. 
  • If dry part way you can wash filler off partially, work in again. This is the best way to get brush stroke.  Multiple layers of thin aquatint is a better stop out than 1 thick layer. So... the thick method is better for destruction 
  • Glycerin 
  • Vaseline 
  • Crayon 

Project: Reverse  Mezzotint 

  • Begin with basic aquatint
  • Mezzotint ground-- best to get it in one pass
  • Mezzotint surface from etched airbrushed screen filler
  • Etch in ferric to create mezzotint surface
  • Rinse with cool or cold water (Warm dissolves Screen Filler)
  • Rinse in salt/vinegar solution to remove the oxidation
  • Blot on clean newsprint
  • Dry
  • Apply Screen Filler
  • Paint dilute screen filler onto etched mezzotint ground in thin layers to reduce black tones to grays
  • Print
  • Printing:
  • Need to be able to move the ink around a little, donít wipe too dry

Project: Stencil Aquatint 

  • Use basic aquatint techniques
  • Aquatint over stencil
  • Etch in ferric 
  • Rinse with cool or cold water (Warm dissolves Screen Filler)
  • Rinse in salt/vinegar solution to remove the oxidation
  • Blot on clean newsprint
  • Dry
  • Apply Screen Filler in thin layers to reduce black tones to grays
  • Print
  • Printing: Need to be able to move the ink around a little, donít wipe too dry

Gray Scale Aquatint  

  •  range 1 min. - 1 hr. 30 min. 
  •  use Future floor wax or speedball screen filler as stop out 
  •  2 thin coats of Future are better than 1 thick 
  •  Hunt Speed ball Water Soluble Screen Filler 4570  certified by the Art & Craft Material Institute as "Non-toxic". 
  • is airbrushed onto the etching plate in various concentrations 
  • plate  etched 

Why the Hunt Speed ball screen filler aquatint is better  

  1. produce the rich mezzotint black in only one etch. 
    structural breakdown. In contrast, the particles of Hunt Speed ball screen filler undergo a structural breakdown. BUT this breakdown is impeded by the fact that this particular type of screen filler has clay particles as part of its constituent formulation.  when it does breakdown, it does so in such a way to produce a fine aquatint within itself. 
  2. various dilution's with water. The greater the dilution the finer the aquatint. 
     variety of sprays that can be laid onto the copper plate by varying not only the amount of water in proportion to screen filler but also the P.S.I. pressure (how forceful the air is released) from the air compressor. A good starting mixture to work with is 70% screen filler to 30% water. Experiment with different dilution's to learn the working characteristics of each. 
  3. a plate can be etched only once to produce a full tonal range from the richest blacks to the softest gray 
  4. stencils 
  5. wet or dried screen filler aquatint can be manipulated with water or redissolved with a mild water/ammonia solution to create unique variations.
  6. When reworking a plate, after it has been etched,  an anti-oxidation solution over the surface of the copper plate to neutralize the oxidation created because of the reaction of the ferric chloride etchant to the copper plate. A simple oxidation solution can be made by adding three tablespoons of salt to a cup of white vinegar. Immediately after the plate is etched wash off the ferric chloride with water. Then holding the plate over a photo developing tray run the vinegar salt solution over the plate. Then rewash with water and blow dry with a hairdryer. This deoxidization should also be done if you are progressively etching the plate and stopping out between etches.

Remember: Screen Filler needs a coarse dot 
Screen filler washes out with fantastic


Avoiding problems with using the airbrush....... 

The one major problem associated with using this spray aquatint technique is when the airbrush becomes blocked up.  following: 

  1. Immediately after using the airbrush to lay down an aquatint, drop the end portion of the airbrush into a jar containing a mild water/ammonia mixture. As a matter of course, the airbrush should either be blowing out a stream of screen filler particles or it should be submerged in an aqueous solution. 
  2. When you are finished laying down an aquatint it is important to run water through the airbrush several times to clear out any screen filler residue. 
  3. After the airbrush has been thoroughly cleaned out with water it should be housed in such a way that the tip of the airbrush is submerged into a mild water/ ammonia solution. 

modify a 500 g glass jam jar to make a larger reservoir bottle. This can be done by unscrewing the metal suction tube from the Paasche reservoir bottle and fitting it to the larger glass bottle by drilling a hole in its metal lid (do this at the side of the lid not in the middle). To compensate for the extra length needed on the metal suction tube inside the larger jar attach a small amount of plastic tubing. (Fish tank aquarium pumps use a plastic tubing that fits well.) This container can hold up to 500g of premixed screen filler aquatint solution which facilitates using this technique over extended periods of time