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I. Course content

    Studio Safety, MSDS forms, understanding and reading labels.

    Intaglio- Type with ImagON film

    • ImagOn basics, working and reworking the plate.
    • Non exposure methods from photocopies
    • Photocopy Exposure Intaglio-Type
    • Mezzotint and Reverse Mezzotint
    • Direct Intaglio-Type
    • Wash / Drawing Intaglio-Type.
    • Wrinkle Intaglio-Type
    • Layered intaglio
    • Hand color separations using the Wash/Drawing technique
    • Combining intaglio type with other printmaking disciplines
    • Investigating alternative plate matrixes
    • Woodcut in combination with photo polymer film
    Chine Colle
    Projects as contracted with instructors.
    Other assignments as assigned.
II. Recommended Text (Not Required)
    Howard, Keith. Non-Toxic Intaglio Printmaking, Printmaking Resources, Grande Prairie, Alberta, 1998.
    (Available for purchase through instructor or Daniel Smith.  Make check payable to Printmaking Resources)
III. Attendance Policy
    Roll is always taken.  Students are expected to attend every class period.  Absences should be discussed with the instructor (normally in advance).  Students who accumulate more than two weeks of  absences will be immediately dropped from the class.
IV. Course Requirements
    Six to ten print editions as assigned. If you are using complex imagery, large plates or multiple plates per edition, then six editions will suffice.  Otherwise ten editions. What is large or complex? Ask if in doubt.
    Technical Notebook of print experiments.  Late portfolios will be penalized by one letter grade per day.
 V. Studio Policies
    See attached.
VI. Grading
    Late portfolios will be penalized by one letter grade per day.
    GRADES:  Based on the average of grades for each of the editions and assignments completed over the semester.  The base grade may be affected (positively or adversely) by performance in the following areas:
      PARTICIPATION:  in class projects and critiques.  All students are expected to speak in critiques.
      PUNCTUALITY to class and in turning in projects and assignments
      ATTITUDE and willingness to tackle projects and resolve problems
      TIME MANAGEMENT in studio and class time.  Includes having necessary materials available.
VI. Schedule
    Important dates for demos and critiques are on the calendar, other days are listed as work days.  With several content areas offered during the same class time, it is important to adhere closely to the schedule.  Demonstrations will begin at 9:15.  Be sure you are here and ready to start.
VII. Supplies and Materials
    There are some materials that we will be working with that are significantly less toxic than traditional etching.  Some of these are not outlined in any textbook.  At this point you will receive handouts and additional information as available.
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