Paper Characteristics - Recommended Student Printmaking Papers
Scale: Key:
1 = Excellent US = Unsized (Waterleaf) cannot be soaked
2 = Good LS = Lightly sized
3 = Poor/passable MS = medium sized
4 = unacceptable HS = Heavily sized
These are all acid free papers commonly available - many locally, all through catalogs.
PAPER Weight GMS/M2 Best Qualities Litho Monoprint Relief Etching
Arches Text Wove- smooth, lightweight, 120 printing text/books 2 b/w; 3-color 2 b/w, 3 color 2 2
absorbent; LS. Great for Vandercook type.
Arches Cover- cotton, mouldmade, sized 250-270 good for every 1 1 (dampened) 2(dampened) 1
heavy, absorbent, slight texture. Good for print process
overprinting a lot of colors. MS
Arches "88" smooth and absorbent , 350 especially good for 1-2 (stretches) 1 (print dry) 1-2 (print 2-3
very heavyweight; US. Do not soak! waterless litho and on press
photo litho
Copperplate; US 250 ? ? 4 1-2
Domestic Etching - 25% cotton; LS 175 versatile /inexpensive 2 2 2 2
Lana Gravure - mouldmade, 100% rag, 250 2 1 2-3 (dampened) 1-2
smooth, absorbent. Not good
for a lot of color overprinting. LS
Magnani Incisioni (Pescia) smooth 300 smooth adsorbent 1-2 (stretches) 1 (print dry) 1-2 (print 3-4
and absorbent, stretches, heavyweight; US surface - excellent for on press)
Do not soak! all litho processes
Mulberry - kozo/sulphite, 45 delicate quality, 2-3 (can "pick") 3 (1-"trace" 1 2-4
slightly translucent, strong wet strength, especially good for M/T methods (1- Chine colle)
excellent for chine colle, very thin. LS relief printing, collage
Murillo 15% cotton - HS 360 best for etching 4 4 4 1-2
Okawara student- 100% kozo/sulphite; 46 delicate, good for 3-4 3-4 1 2-4
varying grades. Good for chine colle, relief, collage
Machine made good for collotype. LS
Rives BFK - cotton, mouldmade, sized 250-270 all purpose paper 1 1 (dampened) 3(dampened) 1
heavy, absorbent, smoother than A. Cover.
Good for color overprinting. MS
Rives Heavyweight - lighter than BFK, soft, 175 all purpose - less 1 b/w; 3 color 1b/w; 3 color 1-2 2
tends to pick with collotype. Not good for expensive
color overprinting; absorbent, MS
Rives Lightweight - proofing paper; MS 115 OK for proofing, 2-3 2-3 1-3 2-3
Somerset Satin (or velvet) - beautiful 250 beautiful, adsorbent, 1 1 1 ? (1-2?)
paper that is good for most printmaking all purpose paper
processes, especially for litho. Not as
familiar with intaglio performance.
Suggestion for Intro. to Prints students - choose from above: (average total = between 30 - 35 sheets, 22"x30")
• Monotype project - about 10 sheets, 22x30 (might be too late to order - buy locally or BFK/Arches @ $2 per sheet from me)
• 2 Litho projects - 10 to 15 sheets total, 22x30
• Etching project - about 10 sheets total
If you want to simplify your order and get only one or two papers that will work for all processes , I would suggest Somerset Satin or Rives BFK (nice papers, good price), and buy some cheap (25 cents a sheet) proofing paper from the printmaking shop for litho. (Domestic Etching and Rives Heavywieght are two less expensive but versatile papers that are OK, but if possible, get some nicer paper too).
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