
Yup, you can even insert either the light or dark sidebar boxes on this side too. They style the same and have the same text link styles.

This was originally for waterless and aluminum plate- edit appropriately!

Drawing with powdered (electrostatic) toner

Caution: Toner dust is toxic - take appropriate precautions!!

To make Washes: add a few tablespoons of powdered toner to 3-4 ozs. of water and a few drops of photo-flo in a jar with a lid and shake until the toner becomes dispersed. If the toner won’t mix, perhaps you need more water or a little more photo-flo. It helps it to sit overnight before use - it mixes better after sitting and the reticulation of the toner will be finer. Make a concentrated (black) solution first and then dilute it as needed for washes.>

Apply in any way you like - it is similar to working with tusche or pastels except it needs to be "set".