Preparation of Copper Plate for Intaglio


  • Copper plate
  • Electric Palm Sander
  • 320- 600 grit we/dry sandpaper
  • extension cord
  • dust mask
  • clean rag

Prepare edges 

  • Round edges of plate with a file 
  • No need to bevel plate if use roofing copper (22 gauge)

Degrease Plate 

Method One: (Preferred Method) 

  • Degrease plate with electric palm sander 320 grit sandpaper (wet or dry).  Wet has less dust, could use dust mask
  • Keep bucket of water at sanding station and use the paper wet.Sand plate until the copper has an even sheen.  It is not necessary to remove all of the sanding marks.
  • If you want less plate tone, use 600 grit sandpaper after the first sanding with 320 grit.
  • The whole surface needs to be sanded.  Sand edges to make sure the edges cannot cut you or the press blankets.
  • After sanding the plate, wipe off the dust with a clean rag.
  • Do not get fingerprints on the plate
  • The metal (preferably roofing copper) plate is thoroughly sanded with an electric finishing sander and 320 grit wet-and-dry sandpaper and the sanding residue removed with a clean rag.

Method Two: 

  • Degrease plate with Comet cleanser and a nylon pot scrubber.
  • Wash clean with running water.

  • Squeegee off excess water.

Stop-out the back  

  • Stop-out the back with packing tape or contact paper 
  •  if you first apply Future then you can etch both sides of the plate 
  • When the plate is dry, cover the back with contact paper to prevent the ferric chloride from biting the back of the plate. (Packing tape can be used to protect the back but contact paper is preferred so you can proof your plate without fear of embossing the plate. 


------... do intaglio process ...-------

  • Apply suspension tape  
  • Write name on tape, can take notes on tape 






Etch in Ferric Chloride 


  • Rinse with cool  
  • Rinse in salt/ vinegar solution .(3 T salt to 1 cup vinegar) 
    (copper oxidizes - in the ferric chloride and needs to be cleaned 
  • Rinse with water 
  • Blot dry on clean newsprint and then dry with hair dryer