Traditional Intaglio Materials Replaced by Non-Toxic Processes

Paint solvents  
and lacquer based hydrocarbon type solvents  
Flammable vegetable oil  
non-abrasive hand cleaners. Orange-solve (citrus based cleaning product)  

and commonly used household cleaners such as Comet Cleanser and Fantastik 

Rosin dusts 
rosin aquatint booths 
spray lacquer aquatints
Hunt Speedball Screen Filler 4570 and an air brush.  Non-Toxic 
Particles from airbrush avoided as a precaution
Asphaltum and turpentine hard-ground mixtures . non-wax liquid acrylic floor finishes such as Future ..
turpentine and bees-wax  
soft ground mixtures 
. Graphic Chemical non-toxic water soluble relief ink.  Non-Toxic
Asphaltum and lacquer based stop-out varnishes  . Liquid Acrylic Floor Finish (Future) 
 or Hunt Speedball Screen-filler. 
The K.P.R. photo emulsion  
and pre-sensitized plates 
. ImagOn photo polymer film  Non-Toxic
The K.P.R. developer  
and caustic soda developer (used with the Mitsui P.S. Plates) 
. 10% sodium carbonate and water solution for developing ImagOn Washing Soda 
Dishwashing gloves worn as a preventive against dermatitis (dish pan hands)
Ammonia and talc scrub for degreasing . Sand with 400 grit wet sandpaper  
Nitric Acid 
Hydrochloric (Dutch Mordent) acid
High Fumes,
ferric chloride No fumes in liquid state. Not an acid. 
Milder corrosive 
Used in water treatment plants. 
Should wear goggles and corrosive resistant gloves.  Avoid contact with clothing