Use of the NuArc Exposure Unit
Each exposure unit has different attributes. Make sure you know how use it safely.
- Plate laminated with ImagOn
Turn on Master Switch
Position Artwork and Plate in Vacuum
- Pull out vacuum frame drawer
- Place ImagOn covered plate face up
under the glass
- For Aquatint, place aquatint screen on
top of plate (emulsion side down)
- Make sure that the screen does not cover
the small vacuum intake hole in the upper left corner)
- Place glass down
- Disengage locking mechanism on the left
side of the drawer slide
- Push vacuum drawer back into unit
Expose ImagOn coated Plate image original
- Set exposure time
- This equipment has a light integrator that judges
the amount of light that actually is emitted from the mercury halide
light source.
- Check to see that the switches (on the
right) for the manual control of the light source and the light
integrator switch are both in the OFF position.
- Set the unit of exposure desired on the circular
gauge on the right side of the exposure unit
![Health Warning](../../../../art/images-site-design/icons/warn-20.png)
Do not look at the light source as the strong light can
do serious eye damage
Create Vacuum
- Check that the Bleed vacuum knob is
closed. Turn knob clockwise to close. Lightly but firmly tighten.
- Press the vacuum frame button to the ON
position. The pump will start evacuating air form the vacuum drawer
- The amount of vacuum recorded on the
vacuum gauge should reach 22.
If the vacuum does not build, turn the
bleed valve clockwise to tighten until pressure building is reflected in
the pressure gauge.
Make exposure
- Press the integrator button to the ON
- The orange exposure indicator light
(orange) will illuminate until the exposure is complete (until the
Mercury halide light source is turned off by the integrator.
- After exposure light goes off:
- Press integrator switch to the OFF position
Bleed Vacuum
- Turn vacuum frame switch to the OFF
- Turn bleed knob counter - clockwise to
release vacuum from the vacuum frame drawer
- Open drawer, lift glass, remove plate,
artwork etc.
Repeat if
additional exposures are needed
Note: you need to wait at least 30 seconds
before trying to restrike the bulb.
At the end of class
of your work session)
ImagOn Exposures using
NuArc 750
Mercury Printer Unit
Continuous Tone
- Expose ImagOn plate to Aquatint
screen ( 35 Unit)
- Expose ImagOn plate to original artwork
Apx. times (under refinement - as of
current printing):
Xerox transparency - 10 unit exposure
Frosted Mylar (heavy) - 35 unit exposure
Line Work (Stippling, Hatching, etc)
No grayscales
- No initial exposure to an
aquatint screen
- Expose ImagOn plate to original
Apx times (as of 10/29/97)
- Xerox transparency - 10 unit
- Frosted Mylar (heavy) - 35 unit
Images with solid black areas
- Expose ImagOn plate to Aquatint
( 35 Unit)
- Expose ImagOn plate to original
- Apx times
(under refinement - as of
current printing):
- Xerox transparency - 10 unit
- Frosted Mylar (heavy) - 35 unit
Determining Exposures
Exposure Units
Testing the Aquatint Screen for your exposure unit