

papermaking studio safetygeneral studio safety







  • Place Paper
    • Gently lay the mordant (alum)-treated paper or fabric (marked side up, treated side down) on top of the size solution, letting the middle touch first.
    • This is tricky!
    • Smoothly handled paper yields a more successful print
    • Hesitation is clearly visible in the finished piece as streaked areas, or air bubbles (unmarbled spots).
    •  Leave paper on the size until  the floating colors are absorbed and saturated .
  • Lift paper off.  Let the excess size drip back into the pan.
  • Rinse gently with clear water or blot with tissues.
  • When paper isn’t mordanted, wait until sheet is dry to rinse. 
  • Hang up to dry.
  • or air dry, printed side up, on newspaper.

Prepare for next Print

  • Skim the size with a newspaper strip to remove the paint residue that remains on the size after a print is made and clean the size before each print.
  • Old paint will sink to the bottom of the pan.

© Beth LaCour 2001-2003