Polyester Plate Lithography workshop
Sierra Nevada College, Lake Tahoe
July 25-29, 2005
Student Provided |
Student Optional |
Workshop Provided |
- pencils
- ballpoint pens
- permanent marking pen
- water soluble marking pens
- brush
- china marker
- cellulose sponges (3)
- masking tape
- razor blade knife
- exacto knife
- rubber or latex gloves
- Shop apron or Smock or change of clothes
- metal worker’s scribe
- textured found objects
- drawing pen
- litho abrasive stick
- putty knife for mixing ink
- pair of spring clamps
- plastic lidded containers (yogurt type)
- barrier Cream (optional)
- putty knife for mixing ink
- pair of spring clamps
- plastic lidded containers (yogurt type)
- more items coming...
Participants will investigate the medium of
polyester plate lithography. This exciting printmaking medium offers
artists the potential of creating images similar to traditional lithography
while eliminating the complicated processing procedures. This non-toxic
alternative process is more user and environmentally friendly, more economical
than traditional lithography, and cuts printing time in half. Come explore direct hand drawn lithography techniques with
permanent markers, ballpoint pens, and toner tusche and crayons, acrylic
base resist materials. In addition to hand drawn imagery, polyester plates may
be used for photo-lithographic techniques. Plates can be imaged through a
laser printer or photocopy machine allowing digital imaging to be directly
transferred to the plate. Chemical developers are eliminated and plates can be
printed as multiples using an etching press. Participants will
learn about preparing images using the computer and about drawing directly on
the plates. Emphasis will be placed on creative applications, safe art practices, and acquisition of technical printmaking skills.
No previous printmaking experience is necessary just a spirit of adventure.
It will be helpful if participants
come with a group of related images (ready-to-scan or already scanned,
black and white and/or color).

Elizabeth LaCour
Grand Canyon Spring
Intaglio Type Using ImagOn film
14" x 10"
Private Collection

Elizabeth LaCour
Toner Tusche on Polyester plate.

Elizabeth LaCour
Rocks (drawn with Toner Chalk)
Polyester Plate Lithograph

Elizabeth LaCour
NYC. Chinatown. Butcher Shop.
Colored Pencil and Watercolor
22" x 30"
Private Collection

George Roberts
Polyester Plate Lithograph

Elizabeth LaCour
(image drawn on plate with permanent marker)
Polyester Plate Lithograph

Elizabeth LaCour
Polyester Plate Lithograph

Elizabeth LaCour
Polyester Plate Lithograph

Elizabeth LaCour
Carpenteria Summer.
Intaglio Type Using ImagOn film
10" x 20"
Private Collection
Beth LaCour
Beth LaCour earned her MFA from Mississippi University for Women in 1980 and
a Post Degree Diploma in Non-Toxic Printmaking from the Canadian School of
Non-Toxic Printmaking in 1999. While researching non-toxic printmaking
techniques, she worked extensively with Keith Howard, originator of the
non-toxic etching processes, and George
Roberts, the originator of polyester plate lithography. She began her teaching career at at Randolph-Macon Woman's College in
Virginia before she moved westward to become a faculty member and two-dimensional fine arts coordinator at Yavapai College in
Arizona. She has taught courses in a variety of printmaking techniques as
well as colored pencil, papermaking and digital processes. Her work is included in
numerous personal and museum collections throughout the country. In 1999 she was
a member of the panel discussion presentation "Printmaker's Body/Printmaker's
Chemistry", and delivered a demonstration/ presentation "Non-Topic Intaglio
Using ImagOn", both at the 27th Conference of the Southern Graphics Council
annual meeting. She is
currently a freelance artist /educator working out of her studio in
Flagstaff, Arizona.