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Raw Materials
Methods of Production
Washi is the Japanese word for the traditional papers made from the
long inner fibres of three plants, wa meaning Japanese and shi meaning
paper. As Japan rushes with the rest of the world into the 21st Century,
and more modern technologies take over, machines produce similar-looking
papers which have qualities very different from authentic washi. As of
the Fall of 1994, there still remain 400 or so families still engaged in
the production of paper by hand.
Though paper was originally made in China in the first century, the
art was brought to Japan in 610 AD by Buddhist monks who produced it for
writing sutras. By the year 800, Japan's skill in papermaking was unrivalled,
and from these ancient beginnings have come papers unbelievable in their
range of colour, texture and design. It was not until the 13th century
that knowledge of papermaking reached Europe -- 600 years after the Japanese
had begun to produce it. By the late 1800's, there were in Japan more than
100,000 families making paper by hand. Then with the introduction from
Europe of mechanized papermaking technology and as things "Western" became
sought after including curtains (not shoji) and French printmaking papers
(not kozo), production declined until by 1983 only 479 papermaking families
were left.
The inner barks of three plants, all native to Japan, are used primarily
in the making washi.
Kozo(paper mulberry) is said to be the masculine element, the
protector, thick and strong. It is the most widely used fibre, and the
strongest. It is grown as a farm crop, and regenerates annually, so no
forests are depleted in the process.
Mitsumata is the "feminine element": graceful, delicate, soft
and modest. Mitsumata takes longer to grow and is thus a more expensive
paper. It is indigenous to Japan and is also grown as a crop.
Gampi was the earliest and is considered to be the noblest fibre,
noted for its richness, dignity and longevity. It has an exquisite natural
sheen, and is often made into very thin tissues used in book conservation
and chine colle printmaking. Gampi has a natural 'sized' finish which does
not bleed when written or painted on.
Other fibres such as hemp, abaca, rayon, horsehair, and silver or gold
foil are some-times used for paper or mixed in with the other fibres for
decorative effect.
Branches of the (kozo, gampi or mitsumata) bush are trimmed, soaked,
the bark removed, and the tough pliant inner bark laboriously separated,
cleaned, then pounded and stretched. The addition of the pounded fibre
to a liquid solution, combined with tororo-aoi (fermented hibiscus root)
as a mucilage, produces a paste-like substance when it is mixed.
It is this "paste" which is tossed until evenly spread on a bamboo
mesh screen (called a su) to form each sheet of paper. The sheets are piled
up wet, and later laid out to dry on wood in the sun or indoors on a heated