

papermaking studio safetygeneral studio safety

Formation Aid






Formation Aid  General Studio Safety Papermaking Studio Safety
Materials & Supplies
Prepared  Raw Fiber 
Fibers Vat Set-up  
Classroom Set-up
Formation Aid (Neri, Tororo-aoi, Mucilage) 
Formation Aid (Neri) 
(Pronounce Torro O Owee)
Reason for Formation Aid ( Neri): 
  • It is essential when using the Japanese fibers and can be used with Abaca to form a thinner sheet.  
  • It separates the long bast fibers and slows drainage.  
  • Better distribution of fiber 
  • Allows for multiple dips. 
PMP Formation Agent is used in Nagashizuki (Japanese style) papermaking.  
  • Strings from hand 
  • It is a synthetic substitute for the tororo-aoi plant.  Originally from root of hibiscus
Natural Substitutes
  •  Fresh or frozen okra pods (Nash also said ?aloe vera?)
  • Prickly pear cactus
Preparation of Okra for Formation Aid
  • Slightly crush fresh or frozen okra
  • Wrap in cloth (muslin) and fasten top with string or rubber band
  • Put bag in a quart of water. Let sit for 1/2 to 1 hour
  • A clear gelatinous material will ooze out of pods. 
  • It is preferred to squeeze the gelatinous material in the bag directly into the vat.
  • The water from the soaking may also be used



Synthetic Formation Aid (PNS or PMP) Mixing Instructions (PMP) 
  • Mix 1 gram (1/4 teaspoon) of Formation Agent with 1 liter (1 quart) of cool water, 
  • 8 to 24 hours before papermaking. 
  • Mix intermittently in a blender. 
  1. Slowly run water into 1 quart jar (spray nozzle preferred)
  2. Gradually sprinkle 1/2 to 1 teaspoon into the water
  3. Stir vigorously.
  4. Let stand for 8 hours.
  5. One teaspoon makes a thick solution that usually needs to be thinned before use.
  6. After 8 hours pour apx 4 oz. Into a jar and add apx 2 oz of water
  7. Add apx same amount to the parent jar.
  8. Always stir the formation aid before use.
  9. If not dispersed in slurry you will get thin spots or "jelly spots" in paper

  10. Store mixture in refrigerator. In powder form, it will not spoil or lose effectiveness for at least one year.

Avoid any prolonged exposure to powder; wear safety glasses when mixing.

USE: Use 1gal. of concentrated mixture per 15 gal. of water in the vat. Water drained from the vat can be saved and reused.  
STORAGE: Store away from heat and moisture. It has a very long shelf life when kept dry.  Carriage House brand will return to water viscosity after 2 days. 

We use Lee S. McDonald brand

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© Beth LaCour 1999


© Beth LaCour 2001-2003