

papermaking studio safetygeneral studio safety







Materials and Supplies

  • pulp
  • mold/deckle 
  • couching cloths

Based on a traditional Chinese method of pouring pulp onto a partially submerged mold. Deckle not required because you are using essentially the back of the mold.

Sheets have distinctive cloud-like fiber formation 

Sheet allowed to dry on the mold and then peeled off.  Nepalese Sheet Drying Technique

Need lots of molds.  Can use standard mold but a slightly deeper mold is good. 


1.  Half filled vat.  Place mold so the water partially fills mold 

2.  With screen submerged, pour pulp into the mold.  Stir to disturb. 

3.  Repeat slap mold with back of hand to even layer. 

4.  Lift mold straight up and out of vat. 

5.  Drain approximately 5 minutes. 

6.  Place mold on absorbent felt.  Can carefully use a couching felt to help remove water from inside of mold, but do not remove pulp. 

7.  Prop to dry. 

8.  When dry, rub back of screen to loosen paper, then peel it off.

© Beth LaCour 2001-2003