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Marbling Mordant







A mordant is a chemical that combines with the paint and fixes it permanently on the paper.
  • Alum: which can be any of the following three - aluminium sulphate, potassium aluminium sulphate or ammonium aluminium sulphate.
    • Mix two  tablespoons alum with one pint of hot, distilled or soft water.  Dissolve completely and allow to cool.
  • Sponge onto each paper to be marbled, and the paper is allowed to dry, but keep damp.
  • Protective gloves or cream: to protect your hands from the toxic or irritating properties of some paints and alum.

Prepare Mordant

  • Alum (Aluminum Sulphate):  Mix two  tablespoons alum with one pint of hot, distilled or soft water. 
  • The alum is what will bond the color to the paper. Treat paper or fabric with the mordant solution, if necessary.

© Beth LaCour 2001-2003