

papermaking studio safetygeneral studio safety

Pattern Making Tools






  • Stylus (plastic curler pin, T pin, stick pin, or needle, toothpicks or the other end of a paintbrush).
  • Comb: Evenly spaced teeth.
    These can be purchased if they have long prongs; or made by pushing plastic or T pins into the corrugation  of a 1" wide strip of cardboard and taping over their tops. The teeth should be evenly spaced and long enough to pierce  the surface of the size. A row of "paper of pins" can also be used. 
    The combs, made of wood and long pins, are constructed to fit the tray so that they may be easily drawn back and forth.
  • Rake: Teeth spaced at 2".  Make a cardboard rake out of corrugated board placing toothpicks in every other valley~.~.~
  • Double Rake: Teeth spaced in 1½" triangle patterns. 

© Beth LaCour 2001-2003