

papermaking studio safetygeneral studio safety







 Class Schedule
Day Activity Handouts
Friday April 14

Western techniques

Supplies, Lockers, Lab Schedule, Videos 
Studio Policies 
S/U Credit 
Studio Safety 
Attendance Policies 
Overview of Western vs Non-Western 
Slides of all types of techniques
Discussion of Beating mechanisms
Discussion of Decoration
Western Demo
  • Make Paper pulp from pressed fiber sheets (linters)
  • Attendance Policies 
              Overview of Western vs Non-Western 
              Slides of all types of techniques 
              Discussion of Beating mechanisms: Whiz Mixer,
              hand, blender, do not have Hollander 
              Discussion of Decoration: some while sheet is made,
              some after sheet has been made. Western (show both
              fiber types) 
              Western Demo 

              Cotton Linters, Tear Linters 
              Beat Linters 
              Jiffy Mixer 
             Arches Video 
              Twinrocker Video
Portfolio - Concept of Portfolio and sample book

Supply List 
Project List and Checklist 
Studio Policies 
  • Western Papermaking
  • Glossary of Terms
Friday April 21
Japanese Techniques
Demo: Japanese Sheet Formation
  • Cook Plant Fibers
  • Beating
  • Sheet formation
  • Neri
  • Preparation of Raw Fibers
  • Fiber Sources
  • Oriental Sheet Formation
  • Neri and its Use

Friday April 28
Archival Non Archival
History of Paper and Pre-Paper
  • papyrus and vegetable papyrus
  • history of paper and pre paper
  • papyrus process
Simple Plant Papers- Easy cook (Non Archival)
Archival vs Non Archival
Embedding and Inclusions
Sculpture- Armature
  • Introduce Armature sculpture of sticks and muslin
Chine Colle
  • Introduce the project
  • collage using wheat paste and etching press
  • Papyrus
  • Embedding 
  • Inclusions
  • Archival vs Non Archival 
Friday May 5
Chine Colle
Sculpture- Armature
Chine Colle
  • collage using wheat paste and etching press
Sculpture- Armature
  • Cast armature sculptures 
Friday May 12
Sized Paper
Sheet Formation
Shaped Paper
Internally Sized Paper (Cotton)
Shaped Papers
  • Envelope deckles
Portfolio Due
The portfolio is a requirement of this course.


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© Beth LaCour 1999

© Beth LaCour 2001-2003